in which witness is borne: birds, politics, fiction and critical art theory

gloomy sunday

Sunday, February 13, 2005
dark, dank, rainy day. one of those days that feels like late afternoon even at 10am.
had my annual visit to the mall, this one more surreal and upsetting than most. Left with only a new band on my calculator watch, which pleases me, and a sense of dread and loathing for the human race, which doesn't. will spare all of you the details.
there's a lovely new piece in the Art institute by Inigo Manglano-Ovalle, a large sculptural installation that the wall text tells us was inspired by an iceberg off the coast of Nova Scotia. Manglano seems to be interested in an area that also interests me: namely, how digital space can serve, or fail to serve, as a successful medium for the creation and mediation of visual language about nature. For example, by digitally rendering and then realizing a sculpture of an iceberg, does Manglano preserve or lose the power and presence of the iceberg itself? is that process of translation worth the effort? Do the ones and zeroes of digital space significantly alter the content of the visual experience?
3:57 PM :: ::
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