in which witness is borne: birds, politics, fiction and critical art theory

leak body

Wednesday, March 09, 2005
i've been immersed in bodies for the past couple of weeks...almost as if the universe is continually pulling me back from my ethereal intellectual/sublime haze of text on the page, screen & mind to re-plant me in the messy, leaky, stinky, crowded, oozing bodily here and now. a few examples:
*multiple toilet overflows in the apartment, resulting in two visits from the plumber and a mortified mother of the Leg (see this post for details);
*visiting the taxidermy lab at the Field Museum last week, noting that we have managed to digitize, store and control all information EXCEPT that of the body, the animal body, the gelatinous mass alcoholized in jars and jars without labels stacking to the ceiling so that they have to build a new wing of the museum just to store all the collected corpses that have been pulled apart and remixed and catalogued and kept and kept JUST IN CASE a scientist somewhere someday needs them for a study of, say, the foreleg length of the gray squirrel from 1903 to 2003. Gotta have some squirrels in the cabinet in case that day ever comes.
*adventures with The Leg (see this post for details)
* watching taped, uncut video footage of a plastic surgery of the artist Orlan. i won't say who showed it to me, but it was GNARLY, man. i was one of 5 or 6 kids who couldn't tear their eyes from the skin on screen which was pornographically oozing blood and being peeled back from the skull in layers. man, the human body is still mysterious no matter how much you visibly reveal!
*re-reading Frankenstein.
1:14 PM :: ::
  • mar-mar,

    ok... i may have to make a conscious committment to not belatedly go through your blog and commnet on all the action, BUT do you knwo about bodyworlds?



    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:04 PM  
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