in which witness is borne: birds, politics, fiction and critical art theory

Rejection Collection

Monday, June 27, 2005
Hi All,
I'm publishing my call for submissions here, in case anyone reading would like to participate. Writers and visual artists are all welcome!

To My Artist Sisters,

I am putting together a poster, working title The Rejection Collection, consisting of a collage of scanned and photocopied rejection letters, starting with my own recent job and residency rejections. I am humbly asking for your contributions to this project!

If you have any rejection notices from institutions, companies or individuals which are connected in some way to your being an artist—job rejections, fellowship or residencies, grants, publications, universities, foundations or corporations—I want them! Please email me at the address below--you can either send me the text of your rejection, or I'll give you my address in my reply email and you can mail it to me on the original letterhead--I'll scan it and send it back to you. NO ONE’S REJECTION WILL BE TURNED AWAY!

Respond to:

I will not be using anyone’s name or contact information —they will be blacked out for the final display.

Thanks and I look forward to seeing your rejections!

Forward freely, friends.


9:35 PM :: ::
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