The Humboldt Bird Restaurant
Sunday, September 11, 2005
I met another birder on the path today at Humboldt Park, where I dragged S. at 7:30am. This birder, a cheerful neighborly lady, lit up when I told her I was new to the area.
"Oh boy, oh boy, just wait!" she said. " You'll see what this place is like. It's like a festival, like a giant restaurant to these birds in the fall and spring. I used to see the red-tailed hawks fly over from the incinerator towers (she pronounced it 'incinyerary') and come back carrying, sadly, either a bird, or a fish, or whatnot. I bet they were just lookin' at Garfield Park and Humboldt saying to each other, Which restaurant shall we dine at today?"
She'd seen exactly what we saw, 12 KILLDEER and 3 SWAINSON'S THRUSHES, as well as some OVENBIRDS. We'd all spotted some warblers that were tough to ID, though I'm pretty sure I had a COMMON YELLOWTHROAT, a MAGNOLIA and a BLACK-THROATED GREEN. The killdeer were pretty cool, I have to say. They didn't care a whit about the dogs carousing nearby.