juncos fleeing the scene of destruction
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
I had two JUNCOS this morning on Northwestern's Evanston campus, which were evidently flushed from their hideout by the onslaught of noise generated by two ginormous trucks and a hand-held concrete grinder being wielded by renovators at one of the buildings. This was maybe 8:15 am. Poor birds. Poor college dorm dwellers. But I'm sure you were all grateful to be awakened in time for class, right?
And why was I at work so early, you might ask? Money trouble, etc etc blah blah blah, figured I could get some brownie points with the boss for showing up a few minutes early down in the mines. Er, library.
But the server we use to temporarily shelve our files, which we then remove once we are at another computer station, and which thus allows the eager student workers on the scanning project to continue painting the roses red by cleaning up images that are so crappy they should never have been part of an archival collection in the first place, is down.
So here I am, back with you, beloved migrateblog readers.
Please take a moment to visit some of the updated links on this blog. Worth it! Especially Bookslut, which is like literary nicotine for me. Thanks!